Cross: Gnu Rayz x Doe Z DoeHeight: 9.5"
Stalks: 2
Branching: 1
Buds: 3
Increases: 2
Pros: It is a pretty delicate looking flower. It has two bloom stalks,
Cons: It was very slow to open and the bloom did not have much staying power and faded quickly. Also It bloomed way below the foliage and you had to go looking for the flower.
Keeping: no
This is not an uncommon pattern to have on an iris and it is one that I have never been wowed by. I do have a couple of TB iris with this pattern in my garden such as Queen Dorthy and Ink Patterns.
Cross: Slovak Prince x Autumn Breeze
Height: 21"
Branches: 1
Buds: 4
Increases: 3
Stalks: 1
Pros: Stands out in the garden, nice contract of fall color and beard, and a big bloom.
Cons: It is short and is about even with the foliage. I do not like the shape of the falls on this iris and would be much happier if they were broader and did not droop as much. Also, the bloom might fade faster than I like and I need to watch it and see what happens.
Keeping: Yes. I think it has potential.
Cross: Beautiful Vision x Unknown
Height: 36"
Branches: 1
Buds: 5
Increases: 2
Stalks: 2
Pros: It was a bit windy today and this very tall iris was able to keep standing. it is very tall and above almost everything else in the garden so it really stand out. Also, the color is bright and it is a big flower
Cons: The form of this iris is not good. It has no ruffles or lace, the falls are droopy, and it is an older shape.
Keeping: Maybe just because my husband likes it. Not sure what I will cross it with.
Cross: Slovak Prince X Autumn Breeze
Height: 26"
Branches: 2
Buds: 7
Increases: 2
Stalks: 1
Pros: I like a lot of things about this iris. The shape of the boom is good, it is above the foliage, I like the contrast of the falls and the beards, it is above the foliage, has good branching much like it's parent Autumn Breeze, I really like the watercolor wash of blue on the falls.
Cons: I wish it had more increases and that it was a little bit taller.
Keeping: Yes
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